Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas time

Well, happy Christmas everybody.

But todays tale is one of nastiness and commercialisation.

Over dinner, listening to Christmas music, we ended up asking that inevitable question - when was the last Christmassy UK number one?

First we jumped back to Slade, to Shaking Stevens...then Cliff with Mistletoe and Wine...Saviours day...and then....um....

So, being the kind of people we are, we looked up the answer on Wikipedia. And it turns out we were right, just about.

With the single exception of Band Aid 20 - which to be honest, doesn't count because it was a group effort charity gig, the last CHRISTMAS number one was Cliff Richard. In 1990.

17 years ago.

Yep, we were right.

Cliff Richard Killed Christmas.

No. Bad Alter. No pudding for you. He didn't kill Christmas.

That was Mr Blobby.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

New laptop

Having bought a new power supply, I'm still shocked at the price - $140 for one that works, not hugely well. But I can return it any any time, basicly before I leave.

Alternatively, I could just buy a whole new, better specced one for Christmas about a $1000, just about.

Any thoughts?

What should I look for?

Should I say "If you're stuck for Christmas Presents, mother can send me money easily...."

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


There is good advertising and bad advertising.

Bad advertising, which leaves you unable to remember the product...or worse, reaching for the remote.

Compared to something like this garmin advert...

Monday, December 17, 2007

EU Treaty

You all know I'm not a mad EU fan - quite against it in its present form, even.

But everyone should enjoy this - warning, its got sound

Its by a pair of Members of the European Parliment, Chris-Heaton Harris and Roger Helmer....

Sunday, December 16, 2007

New power supply

Ok people, sunday is BACK ON.

I have a new power supply. There will be a much, much longer post on the subject, for the simple reason I've got 30 days to change my mind on the subject.

You? Make up your mind? You couldn't choose a cake in a cakeshop
Alter, just because you've never seen me do it....

Anyway, there will be a longer post on the problem tomorrow, possibly with pictures -
Pictures? Hah!
- on the topic. Because the end of this saga isn't yet in sight.

Anyway, more tomorrow.


People, my laptop power supply has now died - in sparks.

I am going to try to replace by tomorrow - but as its 7pm already, I doubt this.

So unless I post otherwise, we're now missing 2 players, and as such, is canceled.

Go work on the alliance side...

Dispaar the Despairing

Friday, December 14, 2007

The weekend

Ok people, we have a problem for us to consider.

The problem is simple - we currently plan to do an instance run in the ragefire chasm - or three. This requires a typical party of five - tank, healer and three DPS (and/or utility people).

Now, in the banking thread Piro has said about graphics problems - and as such, probably unable to run on sunday, which is a problem as he's our healer.

Now, Silvy, before you say anything I'd like you to read the page here.

In summery - you can't heal us yet, you can't get to the talents needed. So we've got a choice..
1) Do nothing
2) Level up somewhat, and reschedule for next week
3) Play alliance together
4) Other


And for fun...


Local news - or a bit of a screwup...

Now, as a few of you may know, I've had my glasses for rather a long time.

Not days, weeks or months, but years. Longer then half a decade - sounds impressive, doesn't it?

So I finaly went for a new pair. My prescription hasn't changed much in the last 8 years - about 0.25, which is basically nothing for someone who's -7 Blind.

So there I was, shopping for frames. Ended up with a pair...and another pair, for sunglasses.

Took about a week, a special offer and some (not to subtle) bribery on the part of the sales people to persuade me. The fact that I both prescription sunglasses and glasses - with all the mods - for about as much as a standard pair in the uk didn't hurt much.

Still, ordered, told they'd be ready in a week.

A week later, no joy.

Next week, they had the sunglasses in. But...its snowing here. Snowing. Sunglasses aren't majorly useful - so I wanted both pairs. So I said I'd be back in a week. I get back, and they have the lenses in for the day wear glasses.

Just the lenses. Till they notice that the lab had failed to apply all the coatings, which to me was Quite Important.

So did I want to take as it was, and have a discount? No!! I want what I paid for. So I explain I leave the country in January, and that I ordered them in November - about a month ago now. Slightly untrue...but close enough.

So they mounted the wrong lenses for me to wear in the mean time, and promised to put the proper ones in the lenses next week when they arrive.

Then, to top it all off, they were miffed when I choose to go running in my old specs, not my (temporary) new ones.

You'd think that an optician of all people would know that going out running, in the snow and ice, with a new pair of glasses on that distort the world around you differently to the pair you've worn for a third of your life MIGHT be a bad idea!

*cough* *cough* *muppets* *cough*

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Bank Guidelines

As per sunday, I promised to write up some guild bank guidlines.

0) Be reasonable

There's lots of us, with lots of stuff. There will be conflicts. Mainly the blacksmith vs the Jeweler vs the Engineer.

Relax. There's always more we can get, farm, buy or otherwise aquire.

1) Craft materials go into the bank.

All craft stuff - no, really. Cloth goes in. Metals go in. Leather goes in. Most professions need little bits of this and LOTS of that. So throw the raw material in the bank.

If you've got lots of things that are only useful to one craft - like bronze settings for Jewel Crafting - they don't have to go in. But if you're asked for one...

2) Primary before secondary

Don't take cloth for bandages - its not funny. We've transfered over 300 cloth so far from the Alliance to the Horde to make those bags you're using, or the clothes the casters are wearing.

So only use the cloth you gather for bandages...if the tailor doesn't need it.

3) There's no need to rush

If there's enough *some material* in the bank to improve your skill ask yourself a question - can we use it yet?

If you can improve your skill so you can make lvl 30 items, when we're only level 20.....relax. It can wait a while.

4) Asking for money

Some of us have transfered money over from the Alliance, to help us hit the ground running. Mainly, Dispaar carries it. Once it runs out, it runs out.

We should be able to play without the cash. We managed it on the Alliance, and there's lots of us!

5) As usual, these guidelines are up for debate. I'm not the Leader. If you don't like something...TALK!

Oh, and leave a note saying you (dis)agree. Just so we all know where we stand...

My life stinks - and how to loose a weekend.

No, really.

It does.

Today we've encountered a small plumbing problem. The landlord has been and gone. A plumber will be here tomorrow. I've had a WONDERFUL time mopping up the stinking water.

We may even need a new bottle of bleach when I'm done.


And how to loose a weekend.

On Saturday evening, I was having a quiet night. Around 8pm, expecting Ali home sometime soon, I hear a knock on the door.

Expecting to see Ali, having forgotten her keys (its got to happen one day) I find myself presented by a horrible visage.

Half the roleplay group standing there in the snow - all six inches of it. Shivering. I don't think I heard the first knock.

Which I found surprising. Visitors!

Still, fair enough. Invite in, try and find out what was happening. Turned out we were playing Exalted. Matt was on the way to pick up Ali. Just no one had told me.

Ah well. But because I didn't know we were playing, I hadn't built the random number generator I needed. I don't have 6*16 10 sided dice to roll.

Anyway, sit there and quickly run up a number generator in java - which was a bit of a challenge. I've never had to sit and code in a timed contest - or a "as fast as possible" thing. For added fun, you had 5 people chattering about everything from why PERL is a terrible language - (no, its not - its wonderful. You just need a to remember it'll do exactly what you ask - even if it makes no sense a all!) - to the merits of the new game called Band Hero.

Must remember to talk about Guitar Hero some day.

Anyway, we played. And played and played.

And at around midnight, instead of being sane like, well, Ali, the rest of us trooped over to PC Bang - a computer gaming establishment I've already mentioned elsewhere.

Anyway, after a couple of games of Dawn of War: Winter Assault (Good game). And few rounds a scenario on Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne. Called DotA-Allstars (and no, don't ask me what it means), I finally got the hang of it. Rather then being a liability, I was useful. It just took a while to get the hang of it...

Anyway, by the time we got out of there, got home (it was SNOWING!), fed the cat and got into bed, it was 6am in the morning.

Four hours later, at 10a, in the morning, I was...aware of what was happening and on WoW for the scheduled 5 man horde fun. I don't remember much of what was said or done. I made some notes on what I've got to write, but beyond that....the rest of the day is one biiiiiiiig blur.

Although...I'm fairly sure I didn't do anything toooo stupid.