To me, its meaning very much depends on what follows...
Take this example. Go have a look - it's laughable. No, really, it is.
The summery of the article is simple - here's a few choice quotes.
..women are still being treated like second-class citizens.
men and women use their fingers and nails differently, why does Apple persist in this misogyny?What is this discrimination? Is it the subjugation of women in the kitchen? Unequal wages? Sexual slavery? Complaints about pensions being more expensive because women live longer?
Well, no. They're complaining that because they have long nails they can't use the Apple iPhone as ably the rest of humanity.
To me, this is another case of Discrimination that is so self obsessed that it's beyond belief. The people who are really discriminated against are amputees, those with neurological conditions unable to control their fingers well enough to touch tiny parts of the screen. The elderly.
To complain about discrimination because you can't use an object you chose to buy due to you also wishing to appear a certain away is, to me, insanity.
But that's just me.
Am I insane, or is it the rest of the world?