Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Oh, the sanity

The joys of joined up thinking....

I'm working for one public body, which has sites co-located with another publicly funded body. The teams are integrated, makes sense. It would make more sense for everyone to belong to the same organisation, but that's life.

The problem though? Between the two organisations, on the level of IT there's no trust what-so-ever.

We're talking so little trust that the computers here for my organisation can't access any IP addresses outside of a tiny, tiny range....we've got so little access that actually installing a printer - one of the most basic tasks imaginable is taking an hour...

....because they need to permit this IP address to contact another IP address...which was blocked, by hand, on the switch....

...and I've had no tea for hours...


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A comic interlude

Because of the request in the comments, here's another post.

I may talk about death at a later point - but now is not a good time. I've had far to much to drink to do that incoherently.

Instead, I have a fundamental question.

Both this and last saturday I had to go into town for trousers. The first time to buy them, the second to replace them. Now, both times I went to the same store - BHS - and both times I tried them off first.

Now, that store has rooms to try things on in, and both times I did what I and most other people would do. I used the first room on the left that was empty. (Most people look from left to, really, we do. Try it sometime.)

The first time, I hung up the trousers, took off my jacket, went to hang it up - and noticed there were a few things which had been left in there. Specifically...specifically someone had taken in a number of things that I'll simply term "Skimpy and Revealing".

Oh well....try on trousers, no problem, I went to buy them.

Next week I went to return them and get a different pair, after they failed me in an unfortunate manner. However - this time, before heading into the changing rooms I checked for any signs indicating male or female.

I kept an eye out for such indications, but finding none, I used the first room to the left again. Only to be confronted by more products that on very casual observation appeared to be made...well, not much.

Now, my question?

Was I just unlucky, or is there women's underwear in every not strictly male changing room on the planet?

If so, Why??

Thursday, August 14, 2008

And now

And now a decision is made.

A time is set, a clock ticking.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Point of decision

We are responsible.

We all are, in some ways responsible. for many things.

But for some things - our four legged friends - we are totally responsible.

There is no way to back out - to say, it's not our fault. We feed them; house them; we twist their natural patterns of life into things to suit us. They are more our responsibility then our children - for if we fail children they can be taken away. Schools will notice, doctors or nurses. Later on, they can leave.

But our pets - they are our responsibilities. Every ounce of suffering is ours to give - or take away.

We have to make the decisions.

But when do you make them?

The day you're told she's ill, and is going to die? We all die, some sooner then others. Right now, she's just got some odd symptoms and a bad blood test. Nothing will happen for months.

So you out it off, you say she's happy. It can wait - till there's something wrong with here.

Perhaps a little later, when the first overt symptoms develop. The arthritis starts to kick in. The thyroid problems need daily medicine - just like any human sufferer. But it's only a tablet, nothing to drastic. And she's still playing with her mice...till she eats them...

And anyway, one pill a day is easy. She just can't climb trees and catch birds midflight.

Or maybe later still, when she develops a hunger - a terrible desire for food, earlier and sooner every month. Still, it's only food - what's a doubling of the catfood bill?

Even then you think of the past - when we nursed her through a usually lethal disease, as she sat, night after night curled up with me. Hardly eating, being coaxed to take the smallest mouthful. Still, we made it.

What's a bit of cat food?

And slowly down the garden path of complacency you stroll, carrying the poor mite with you.

Sometime, somewhere you reach the last few turns in the path.

Shedding of fur, sleeping almost all the time. Her coat changing in days to a dull, differently textured affair. She's not comfortable anywhere, always shifting and moving.

Unsteady on her feet, sitting down the moment something or someone touches her. Not because she doesn't want to, but so that she can't fall.

Still walking down that garden path, knowing that one day - one day soon - a phonecall will be made. A friend called - a friend who's known her as long as us, who provides the drugs and advice. Tests and knowledge - the vet.

Some day the vet will visit, with a Solution. And every day you think that maybe....maybe the view tomorrow won't be that bad. Maybe I don't have to call.

But every day the path gets shorter - and you know how bad the garden is, down at the very end.

But the responsibility to make the decision...that's still yours. All yours.

And nothing can take it away.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Ok, to make it really clear.

Ok, to make it really clear.

Person one makes a choice.

That choice forces person two to do something.

Person one has power over person two.

Everyone with me so far?

What I heard on the radio was person one being applauded for making a choice that affects person two's life. Person two was being told that they should be more co-operative and do exactly what they were told, so person one can do what they want.

Or - person two was being told by an academic that person one should be in power over them, and that they should roll over and be a good puppy.

Academic didn't realise that they were supporting a position not of equality but one of power.

Where as I believe in equality, choice and coming to agreements together.

Everyone clear now?

Let me rephrase that...

After Loralai got the wrong end of the stick, I'm going to give another scenario that illustrates what I mean, that might be a little clearer.

Lets imagine a married couple, living in their house.

The wife nags the husband for a few years that they need to redecorate. But after being put off for a few years, she goes ahead and just starts.

Not just one room, but most of downstairs. The husband, against his will helps - because if he doesn't, he won't be able to sit down anywhere for several months...

However - finally, the end is in sight. The main thing left to do is the kitchen...but he's stopped from doing it, instead another room is emptied out and painted - because the wife refuses to allow paint brushes to be cleaned in her new sink once it's in place.

We have a scenario where one person is entirely in the power of the other. They have no choice, but must simply go with the whims of of the other.

In the last post, we had a women, declaring that she "wanted it all" and was going back to work and simply expected the husband to pick up the slack.

My point was that the feminist professor seemed unable to see that, well, actually...this was somewhat understandable. Instead of being a Serious Problem that Must Be Addressed, which she seemed to think.

That the person with the power might be responsible...didn't seem to occur to her.


Yes, I know - with working, money and marriage things are never that simple. I agree with you Loralai there. I was using the situation as a hypothetical example...not gospel.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


There are many definitions of power. There's electrical power, mechanical power...but the one I was thinking of was the power to determine your own life.

I was listening to the Radio on the way home last night, to what I can only describe as a Feminist Professor who was talking on the subject of Women at Work.

Now, apparently, or so we were being told, one of the main reasons that women don't go back to work after having children is because men don't take up the slack in the house work, the child care and the like.

But listening there seemed to be a point she missed. Not that I would claim to be superior to a Cambridge University Professor...but us plebs occasionally have a point.

You see, to me listening, it sounded as if the person with the power - the woman - made a choice to go back to work.

The man was expected to accept this decision - and in order to allow the woman to return to work was expected to pick up the slack.

So after working his socks off to pay for the family in the mean time, he's told she's going back to work...and now he can work even harder. Because she's decided to "have it all". The kids, the job.

I can understand why he might not be thrilled by this idea - he just has to adapt and work harder to do what she wants.

But in all honesty - don't we all drag our feet when someone uses power to dictate to us? When we're told do something because another wants it done, for their own reasons?

This academic seemed to miss the minor fact that in the situations that were described one person had the power of choice - and one didn't. That the person who didn't make the choice was expected to work harder without complaint.

She didn't even appear to notice.

Before anyone says the obvious - I'm all for equality. But I'm for equality for everyone.

What a couple wants to do is for the couple to decide - we don't need people with axes to grind on the radio complaining about whole groups of people - for the crime of not willingly accepting the consequences of other people's decisions.

There has to be a cost to "having it all" - you can't expect everything for nothing.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Greedy me

You all know all know I believe I can do just about anything, with a few exceptions based mainly on the fact I'm a man...and I can't dance.

For a long time - some 17 years - I've thought I could make money on the stockmarket. Ever since I could understand the seemed so simple. No - really, it did. Wait till people over react to some news, take advantage of the fact.

So, the other month, I took advantage of this fact...

When the Bradford&Bingley share price noise dived to 32p per share, I bought some. I bought 250 of the things at their lowest price for...well....since they were sold in the first place.

Now they've risen in value to about 55p per share. Now I have a dilemma.

I could sell them and make my profit...or I could hang on to them for the dividend. Unlikely to yield much for the next 1-3 years, but after that likely to be (on an annual basis) something like 20% of the value of the origional investment.

But that's in the future...

Where as if I sold them now, I'd have to pay the fee of £15.

Thoughts people?

Beyond, "You smug git"?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Forgive me father, for I have sinned

Today, while driving from one site to another I was lost in thought.

I was thinking that in many ways there are two types of environmentalist. On one hand, you have people who think of it in economic terms. That can there cost xxx to produce - but will save yyy if you recycle.

That, to me, makes sense. Enough that I sometimes recycle....use power saving computer options....

Then there's the other type - those who approach the Environment as if it was God. The eco-priests. You will know them by their hessian bags, the militant vegetarianism and the obsession with cycling.

Being a roleplayer - and amused with odd scenes - and bored out of my skull on the A1M I thought about what an eco-priest would be like....

As I drove an encounter slowly formed in my mind. Picture, if you will, a small temple to nature formed from living trees bent this way and that. The floor covered with pine needles, and at one end, beneath the alter where progress and sanity have already been sacrificed is a confessional.

And at that confessional, I kneel...

Me: Forgive me father for I have sinned, it has been a week since my last confession. Father, today while in garden of this world, I sinned. I enjoyed driving.
*Shocked silence*
Eco-Priest: My did this terrible, abominable thing occur?
Me: I was driving from site to site for work-
Eco-Priest: So it was not an actual drive for pleasure. It had purpose, meaning?
Me: Yes father.
Eco-Priest: Your soul may yet be saved...but there is more to confess.
Me: Yes father. As I drove in the fens I did drive at speed, more so then required for efficiency. I accelerated without just cause and braked with joy, cornering around the narrow fen roads as if a rally driver.
Eco-Priest: *Sigh* Did you at least ensure that you minimsed your load - carrying no more weight then needed, taking the shortest route and obeying the traffic laws?
Me: Mostly father. Mostly.
Eco-Priest: An act of contrition and a donation to the rainforest box. In the name of the....

Yes, I really did enjoy today's driving. Yes, I did average less then the speed limit.

I had can't take those corners at 60mph. Some are 90 degrees!