Once again, the labout government has gone completely potty. He's the first paragraph...
All UK homes should have access to broadband and faster download speeds by 2012, the government has said.
Right then - this looks perfectly reasonable, doesn't it? Or....naybe not...
Now, on the face of it, this seems sensible. After all, a decent net connection is something a geek like me should be shouting for, right?
Well - no. Why not?
Meet grandmother. She has a computer that we maintain for her, on which she does a little. Perhaps once or twice a month it's dusted.
She doesn't want the internet. She doesn't need it.
I don't want her to have the internet - because once "adaquate" protection is installed on it - fire wall, virus scanner, adware scanner - it won't be hugely more useful then a paperweight.
Remember, I'm all for the internet and technology. But I'm totaly against a top down, govenment driven target for everyone to have broadband by *some date*. Because to use broadband, you need a computer - who's going to pay for that...?
Another quote.
The report also looked at the issue of internet piracy. Mr Burnham said the government would look at setting up a new digital rights agency and wanted to introduce legislation requiring internet service providers to notify illegal file-sharers directly about their activity.
So after using govenment funding (read: our taxes) to force everyone to have broadband, they now want a new govenment agency to monitor what everybody looks at. Funded by...well...have a guess...
Right now we have a problem with copyright theft, corpyright law and what people think, do and say.
But the solution to that is not a whole new enforcement agency to stop teeny boppers downloading a music free act, such as Britney Spears.
We have bigger problems. Little things like rape, murder and violence - which I consider to be more important.