Imagine a little boy - picture him in your mind.
He's about 3, blond, wearing one of those old fashioned white and blue sailor suits that you see every now and again.
Now beat him with a pool cue till he's unconscious.
It's not nice, is it? It's monstrous, wrong and something that should never happen.
Picture his cousin - same age, a sweet little girl who only wants a pony. Beaten with the same pool cue.
Both are equally objectionable. Both leave you feeling sick to the stomach, if you really try and imagine it.
But in recent days there's been news coverage about violence - lets quote a few of the usual suspects, with our little thought experiment in mind.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown said violence against women and girls was "an obscenity".
Harriet Harman, minister for women and equality, said tackling violence against women and girls was "one of the government's top priorities".
She said the strategy called Together we can end violence against women and girl, focused on prevention, which was "critical" to long-term change.
"We have to work to change attitudes in order to eliminate violence against women and girls and to make it clear beyond doubt that any form of violence against women is unacceptable," she said.
It's quite clear here - they only care about their precious victims - if they fit the right profile. The right media image.
I believe we should stamp out violence - not against women and girls. Not women and children.
I believe we should stomp on violence.
Why discriminate?