Sunday, May 20, 2012


A common way people classify themselves and others (officially "getting to know you" - but really, classifying) is asking what kind of music you like.

This is a question that I find impossible.  A track here; a tune there.  And yet this weekend I heard a new song, "Little boxes", something I hadn't heard before.

I look it up on youtube and there is this 1960's (or perhaps 70's)  era video of a man with a banjo.  This video is more gripping then a hundred modern pop songs.  There's no cookie-cutter image, just a man, in a jumper, singing about boxes.

There is tune, meaning, feeling - the things I want in my music. 

So what music do I like? 

Music like this, played by Queen, written by Bach or sung by a friend.  Easy really...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a really old one Martin - can't tell you the year but I remember hearing it. Mmm