Sunday, May 20, 2012


A common way people classify themselves and others (officially "getting to know you" - but really, classifying) is asking what kind of music you like.

This is a question that I find impossible.  A track here; a tune there.  And yet this weekend I heard a new song, "Little boxes", something I hadn't heard before.

I look it up on youtube and there is this 1960's (or perhaps 70's)  era video of a man with a banjo.  This video is more gripping then a hundred modern pop songs.  There's no cookie-cutter image, just a man, in a jumper, singing about boxes.

There is tune, meaning, feeling - the things I want in my music. 

So what music do I like? 

Music like this, played by Queen, written by Bach or sung by a friend.  Easy really...

Monday, May 14, 2012


Hotmail. Claims to be an email service... But it deletes my email if I don't log in for a while. What a piece of junk! How are you supposed to rely on that? I've used related services...MSN and the like. Bloody junk.

Leveson inquiry

So, the Leveson enquiry.

It's been something I've been trying to ignore for a while, but it's failed. I've got to the point that I've got to make a comment on the stupidity.

Of late, we've had all these terribly damning links between media people and politicians. It's so terrible. Oh noes!

Let's be absolutely, one hundred percent clear. Before one media company was allowed to buy another recently (no names, you know who, but no names) it had to be put through a political process before it was approved. A process where the person running it had to be replaced because he admitted to a bias.

The media are completely in the hands of the politicians.

Given this, why are we so surprised and shocked that a company tries to stay on the right side of the people who can close them down?

I mean, really? Something was discussed for 2 minutes? Someone rode on a horse?

Get a grip.

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