Tuesday, September 25, 2007


There are many things that grow.

Some growing things stop and start, shrinking and enlarging as the seasons pass. Waistlines, weights, some plants....the amount of sleep you need...

Helen, I know exactly what you were thinking. Stop it.

Other things just keep growing, damn it. It grows, and grows and grows - to the point where you have to do something about it before it drives you MAD and you start raving about the pink icing, and how it made you do those horrible things to the neighbours children.

Feeding them cookies laced with laxatives...

Anyway, the point of my post? Oh, yes.


It grows continually, whether you like it or not.

And a few weeks ago - yes, old news, I just kept forgetting to write about it - I got it cut. Again. Twice so far this year...both voluntary....

There was however, a problem.

She was brunette, about 5 foot nothing and rather sweet. She was just starting at the place, and need some "models" to demonstrate her abilities on to the management. To prove she knew what she was doing. So could she cut and dye it, at a vastly reduced rate...

And she smiled at me.

What was I supposed to do, say no?

So, several hours later, I left the place. My hair was still there, in the most part. Huge amounts were not left littering the floor as usual.

I hadn't left it a whole year this time.

What took so long wasn't the cutting, but the colour. Hours teasing out strips, painting them with goo and wrapping them in foil, folded and folded again.

It was quite relaxing, in a insane kind of way. Not moving, 2/3 blind, just watching the blur with the pretty voice move in the mirror...

Still, what sort of colour do you think I ended with? And how much, in UK terms, do you think I paid...

(I would post a picture now, but it doesn't show up in IR.)

Friday, September 21, 2007


Today, after our run, Ali and I went shopping.

We bought some porn.

Ali buys lots more of it then me. I'm lucky if I get one piece a month. Ali....most weeks....

Not pawn, but porn.

Luke, wash your mind out with soap.
Helen, stop giggling.
Mother, take a breath. Now, take another.

There are many types of porn. This one is RUNNING porn.

The local porn sho- running room had a shoe sale on - and while we've got relatively new shoes, good for another few hundred K, another pair is a good idea. It lets you leave one pair to breath, you're not wearing the same pair two days in a row...

The only problem is the cost. A good pair of real running shoes for an overpronator like me (and a decent percentage of the rest of the population) would cost quite a bit. A couple of hundred dollars.

We bought some for 70.

We call it running porn because of the temptation to look, see, try some on, fantasize about getting a new pair...

There are worse types of porn.

So I've heard.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Robert Jordan

I know R posted a comment about Robert Jordan, but I was asleep when it happened.

Robert Jordan, author of the Wheel Of Time set - two and a half foot of my bookcase - has died.

This is no suprise, for he had been dying for a long time - since the last book was released. Which was about 2 years ago.

There's been a lot of us following the set, from the first book to the latest, each between 500 and a thousand pages. We've watched the dark, the light. The Aes Sedai who speak no word that is not true. The forsaken and the...well, we're still not sure what Moriden is.

There's hope that the book will be finished - there are large quantities of notes, tapes and manuscripts.

Death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier then a mountain

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Strange pictures...

Evening all.

Courtesy of Mother, I now have my webcam here in Canada. So low resolution photo's are now a cheap and easy thing to do.

There's only one small, tiny catch.

The camera was never returned to its original state, since I converted it one sunny afternoon into a near infra-red camera. So right now, it can see in the dark (with an IR source, such as this video remote...).

It can easily pick out objects camouflaged in the visible spectrum - because it doesn't see the same light as we do. A black object can be white, a pattern of green and brown can be either white, black, or some strange pattern.

A tabby cat is still tabby though - but this makes sense. If a rodent could defeat cat concealment by shifting slightly the light spectrum they can see...they would!

But why bring this up? Well, I am going to turn it back into a real camera at some point Soon. But in the mean time, what should I photograph, in IR?

But keep it legal people.

*Edit to add photo

Monday, September 10, 2007

Must learn to party

I'm getting older.


Its a bad habit that I'm trying to give up, but it's hard. The symptoms of getting old are stressful and concerning.

You start worrying about things like...washing. And clean clothes. Worries about of getting larger (in the wrong directions), grayer (it's a lie) and less flexible (not being able to chew your own toe nails is concerning).

Still, I'm older. I'm sure I"ll get over it.

But, being older, I really should really have learnt how to party by now. For, you see, this is how I spent my birthday.

I worked from 6am in the morning till2pm, then I worked at a different company, because Ali needed a hand, from 2 till later. By the end, I was pretty tired. When Ali got home, she was pretty tired. An early night all round, to be honest.

A Caesar salad is not a birthday celebration

Still, the next day was saturday, right?
Well, no. Worked from 10 till 5, went home, cleaned and tided somewhat, ready for the DnD game. But...it was not to be. We were missing two players. One I'll live without...but two..can be a problem. So we went to plan B.

Plan B started with chat, and Guitar Hero 2. This was followed by a meal our, and three of us trooped down to PC Bang. A computer game place, with 50-odd well specced computers that played like a dream.,. A real dream. 1200*1024 (or something like that!) with beautiful graphics and lovely FPSs. Dozens of games.

We escaped that place.


At 4am on sunday morning.