Tuesday, August 3, 2010

We have notohing to do with the animal kingdom

This morning, in the 10 minutes I was listening to the news on my way to work yesterday it managed to annoy me.

There was an article on a new study which reportedly showed that a mother who goes to work when their children are very young doesn't do any damage to them.

Now, this isn't what inspired the anger. They had a representative from some organisation whose name escapes me. Dedicated to helping mothers to stay at home with their children.

What sparked off my rage was their first comment on "How in the animal kingdom animals looked after their young...".

I wanted to take her and turn her in a circle, pointing to the world around her.

The rate of infant/maternal mortality. Childhood diseases now rendered so rare they make the national news on occasion.

Yes, in the animal kingdom mothers have to hunt for their children. Pull down and slaughter prey that fights back or find other food, edible foliage and the like.

She has to go to tescos.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm don't know ever been to tesco's on a saturday morning with all those mums and trolleys...its like trying to survive in a jungle ;-)