Saturday, February 3, 2007

Feeling much better, so...

Since I'm feeling much better (no pounding headache, not shivering while sitting ontop a roaring fire) here's a little tale for you.

During the briefing given by SWAP, as mandated by the Canadian Government there were several bits that were clearly from one department or another. Immigration comments on what our visas allowed, tax instructions and the like from Revenue Canada.....and yes, you can usually guess the name of any government department by adding "Canada" after the most obvious word.

For example, Health Canada (or HC, as I'll call it).

Health Canada's role in the briefing was short, and glossed over very quickly by the SWAP person. He checked that people had health insurance, and then went onto the Official Health Canada Warning - you could hear the capital letters.

It would appear that HC wasn't worried about us nasty foreign people bringing strange viral infections, or antibiotic resistant strains of TB, weird fungal bugs from deepest Africa or bacterial nightmares from the Deep Fens.

Nope, they were worried about sex. They were worried that us evil foreign devils would import nasty Sexually Transmitted Infections and infect the pure, innocent Canadian public with our seductive foreign accents and strange mannerisms.

(Yes, I know, it does sound like a plan...)

And to stress the point, it was a requirement that all participants be given a condom. We were even told he had a large box of the things, and that he could give then out like Candy. (Not that I know Candy, but I'm sure she's a perfectly respectable women.)

I'm just not sure if HC specified it was to be bubblegum flavoured - or it was just a horrible pun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darn, it would appear that the Canadians have already caught onto our plan to infect them via their 'underground' systems...

Just make sure to watch your back. Meanwhile, here in the motherland, I am happily taping up the parcel containing twelve fresh Bernard Matthews turkeys and shall soon be forwarding them on to you. You know what to do. :-)
