Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Canadian Easter

As asked, a few comments about the Canadian celebration of Easter.

To begin with, do not , under any circumstances, think that the observance has anything to do with religion of faith. The devout appear to run shoulders with the apostates in this. They all get the day off work! Well, days :D

There is usually a family meal, which is considered Important. Even for anti-social, hiding from the light roleplayers.

While there is the same obsession with chocolate eggs - though less Easter bunnies, and no soul cake duck. No, the obsession is Easter baskets, some as big as small children stuffed with candies and goodies. Not just for children though - you can get them for almost anything, from cute children's packs to nascar racing monsters.

Couldn't find my chocolate d20's though.


Anonymous said...

Have a Cardbury's Dark chocolate easter egg here with your name on it - pity I'm gonna have to eat it for you before the pup gets her paws on it :)

Anonymous said...

Chocolate D20s!
What a great idea. Suitable for birthdays and easter, they can be hung from a christmas tree (as well as upon a cross), or played with (until they melt in your hand).

Thanks for the info.