Monday, April 9, 2007

Easter - oh, the sunshine, it burns, it burns.

Four days off work, a weekend and two bank holidays.

And I'm bored already.

Still, things to talk about.

The garden....if I owned this place, rather then rent it, I would shoot the previous occupiers as wasteful and of little vision.

Where to start....on one side we have a little stream running. If it lasts all summer or not, I don't know. But right now its going to waste! Ten minutes work with a shovel and you could have a free, natural water supply for the garden. All you need to do is dig bit of a hole to stick a bucket...

Still, we have the seeds all planted. The sweetcorn is germinating already, only 2 days later...planting onions tonight!

And last night, I enjoyed one of my favourite five physical pleasures.

Mmmm.....a dark room.....some food.....and a hot, burning fire to warm my feet. (What did you think it was?!?)

I truly think we've lost some the simplest pleasures in life as a people. We've strived for central heating, electrical gadgets and gizmos. When all you really need to warm you is this...


Anonymous said...

Happy Easter Martin.

We've been enjoying 18 degree sunshine so no need to put the heating on :)

Would definately agree with you though, nothing like a nice cosy fire burning away with a good book and spare wood to burn. Hmmmm burn.....

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter Martin,
So is easter a widely celebrated thing where you are? Chocolate eggs, and fluffy stuffed bunnies, or is it something more subtle, or even non-existant?


Anonymous said...

sounds like super seeds to me!