Sunday, January 20, 2008

Things to do on a quiet Sunday morning, right next to the catholic church

Of late, most sunday mornings have been spent infront of the laptop, playing world warcraft with the RPGers back from the UK, on the horde side. This is fun, but...

Today I was doing something different.

Instead, Isabelle's father and I went into the back garden. We took guns.

Lots of guns.

I could wax lyrical about the morning for pages - but I'm not going to. I'm going to tell you about the first gun we started with...

We started with a sweet little rifle - a Remington model 39. It's a 22ga rifle, that's about 30 years old. But its a lovely thing. My love affair started when I picked it up.

It was light - very light. It felt as light as a 9mm browning, but with a stock and housing that felt strokeable and a lovely varnished feel...

Remember this is a gun which is 40 years old and archaic by modern standards. It hasn't been properly sighted in over 20 years. With ammunition that's been kept in the damp, on one side for years...

Kicked around from pillar to post.

But to fire, it's so quiet. Barely enough recoil to break an egg, it whispers into the wind - a pfft - that I doubt you could hear at 100 yards - let alone 200.

The mechanism is a bolt action - so single shots only, you automatic and semi-automatic fans. But so doesn't have a safety because it doesn't need one. Simple enough to explain to a child, it's so clean and elegant.

I asked if it should be cleaned, and he just laughed!

And yet it'll still hit a rabbit sized target at 100 feet - after 20 years of neglect.

Come the Zombie Apocalypse, it's my new choice of gun.


Anonymous said...

ha he only mentions one gun!
for maureen: go take a look at meet the relatives post for new messages. :)

Anonymous said...

Im sittin ghere reading the post and I hear Martin say to my dad.
"i've always wanted to shoot an apple"
30 seconds later the both go by with a smile from ear to ear.... mmmmm. I guess i'm designated photogrpaher! got to go.

Born Today said...

There will be apple photographs in the next blog, later today.

It isn't pretty.

Anonymous said...

"may you keep him"

If that is what you would really like to do - no problem - as long as we can come visit!

You would also need a cat (or 2).


PS - Martin, how long can a cactus go without water.........oups - should have checked a few months ago......

Anonymous said...

He's gone :( I was thinking of shooting at some planes so there would be major delays but he wouldn't let me. I hope he comes back soon. I miss him already.
Once I convince the government to let him back here, you can come visit as long as you want!

Cats... mmmm well I'm very allergic but love them as much as he does. Willing to consider :)

I've also gotten the address to send the tea. Hopefully customs doesnt stop it.


Anonymous said...

Promises promises promises.

someone said they would upload pictures of an apple.

Anonymous said...

I would because I have them but ... i dont have access.. but if you go to my facebook page ive uploaded about 50 pictures of Martin;s Visit to my place.
look up Isabelle Crete you will find me :)