Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Painful words

Think of the most painful word you can.

It's not love, nor hate. Pity, guilt and joy...none of these hold the heartache.

There is one word we avoid more then any other. So much we have dozens of ways to not say it. Cya, so long, farewell...'till later...have a good time...

All ways to avoid that sentence that holds paragraphs of things unsaid and undone. Misery held in a single word, alone.


Always spoken with fear - fear that we may never see someone again.


Said with a strained voice. The hope that you've said enough. Voices crying to you that there is no "enough", only more things to say.


You say goodbye to everyone, or them to you. Mother, lover, sister and friend. No one is there forever. Always you say-


Again and again, you hope to never say it again. To see them one more time, before saying-


And once again.



Anonymous said...

More true than you know and it doesn't get any easier as you get older.

There is nothing worse than losing someone and not knowing if they really knew how much they meant to you.

So just make sure that those you love know that you love them - tell them while you can.

Anonymous said...

Too true, especially when it is a close relative or parent, and doubly so when they pass on!