Thursday, September 4, 2008


Morning is not my favourite time of day.

There's no real surprise here - you're warm, cosy and tucked under a quilt, with eyes closed and mind a million miles away...

So being ripped from that little spot of paradise is always going to be aggravating. But what's really annoying me of late is other people in the morning.

Here's a little guide to Me in the Morning.

1) If you wake me up and tell me to do something, or want me to remember something...don't bother.

The odds are if you're lucky - and I mean extremely lucky - I might remember you woke me up. Maybe.

I live with cats, so I'm perfectly used to being woken up then falling asleep with virtually no memory of it. If you do happen to try and it fails, it's your own darn fault!

2) My alarm in the morning is annoying. I accept this.

Complaining about it won't help.

Why not? Because I use it because it's annoying!

It's on my mobile, so it could be hidden anywhere - and I have to get out of bed to search.

It goes off every five minutes so if I do hit's not for long...

It's loud so I can hear it.

And it's the most annoying tune I can find - because it has to be!

So if you find the thing annoying.....find me a replacement that works, rather then complain!

3) When I go running in the morning, I like to have a shower the minute I get back...mainly because being hot and sweaty isn't my favourite thing in the world.

So asking me to do something when I get back might annoy.

Asking me to do something that involves going upstairs will probably annoy.

Saying that I need to go downstairs and then upstairs will certainly irritate.

Doing it twice, before I've had a cup of tea will make me sarcastic.

You've been warned..


Anonymous said...

Born Today said...

Is that a request for opinions, or..?

Anonymous said...

I can vouch for #1 beeing true...
#2 well put the mobile besides your bed instead of looking for it in the morning...
#3.. if you dont like getting up early why bother running, run after work? after dinner?

Anonymous said...

Born today
#Request for opinions = yes.

#2 Putting alarms too close like that means they can be turned off without waking the person properly - see his comment about being disturbed by cats then going staight to sleep again.

#3 Agree with the run another time comment :)

Born Today said...

The laptops - nice, but what do you want to use them for? (Although 8 hours of on time, at a throw....)

Running in the morning is the easiest time to arrange, rather then having to manage conflicting commitments.

The alarm placement is essential!

Anonymous said...

but if he is complaining about mornings and the alarm, that means its disturbing someone else... and its not because he has to get up early that everyone else should have too.. alarm non stop and a bit of willpower should do the work, or cut the run and get up later.

Anonymous said...

wanting it for surfing, wow (yes it works on the eee901 !!!) and other games. but a general pc that can be carried around for downloading pics whilst on holiday reading books and basic editting.

And Starbucks allows free Wi Fi connections so free internet whilst on holiday for emails blogs etc.

Also so much more useable than using someone else's laptop to show pics!!!

Very affordable replacement laptop that doesn't take much room, that you can use anywhere.

Anonymous said...

The most annoying thing about your alarm isn't the noise and that is bad enough. It is the fact that you leave it downstairs in your lunchbox - you can't hear it but those of us who are up can. Or it is on the other side of your bedroom and do you turn it

then there are the mornings when you have gone for a run and guess what keeps on going off.... yep the alarm.

how not to impress the family