Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Oh, the sanity

The joys of joined up thinking....

I'm working for one public body, which has sites co-located with another publicly funded body. The teams are integrated, makes sense. It would make more sense for everyone to belong to the same organisation, but that's life.

The problem though? Between the two organisations, on the level of IT there's no trust what-so-ever.

We're talking so little trust that the computers here for my organisation can't access any IP addresses outside of a tiny, tiny range....we've got so little access that actually installing a printer - one of the most basic tasks imaginable is taking an hour...

....because they need to permit this IP address to contact another IP address...which was blocked, by hand, on the switch....

...and I've had no tea for hours...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AHH I heard the pound has lost value against the americain dollar...
time to blook flight to canada eh? lol