Monday, October 27, 2008

The temptation to ask a question.

This morning I was working in a Sexual Health Clinic, sorting out a minor issue that required administrator rights and someone on-site to poke it till it behaved.

Anyway, I was sitting there in the office, allowing the hustle and bustle of office life to flow around me. Phones ringing, people talking...

Now - I don't know about anyone else, but I can't not understand words. If I'm there, and I can hear them clearly....even if I'm reading, typing or really not paying attention, they're still there.

It's that same trick men all over the world use - the ability to recite the last few lines of a conversation, the moment a women says "You aren't listening". We might not have been, but the words are there...

Where was I? Ah, sitting in a sexual health clinic not listening, as a phone rang.

The young lass on the picked it up..."Yes, this is a sexual health clinic...yes....yes....of course...we do everything..."

At this point I heard what she said, choked on my tea (yep, I'll happily go back to that place, they made me tea first thing on a cold Monday morning) and I resisted. It was an effort, but...well...

At that moment there was nothing I wanted to do more then turn to her and say, stressing every syllable one at a time:

"You do...Everything...?"


Anonymous said...

This blog used to be interesting or thought provoking, but its turned into a very boring with very few posts.

Anonymous said...

I would agree with anonymous on the boring. all this anti feminist and radio about women stuff.. meh, boring.

But "very few posts" is wrong in 2007 there were 80 posts for the whole year. in 2008 so far 74.. Statistics are right in this case, there are not "very few posts"

Anonymous said...

Okay, I stand corrected on the number of posts.

Whats the percentage of boring posts this year vs last year?

Born Today said...

*Mutter mutter* critics *mutter mutter*