Monday, October 20, 2008

Zombie Films

I'm quite a zombie film fan - no, really.

There's quite a lot I enjoy about them - the madness, the weirdness...the death, destruction and mayhem...

I admit, the occasional, really scantily clad young thing does help a little - even if some of the best films don't have one.

But...well....Land of the Dead, by George A. Romero.

I'm disappointed.

No, that doesn't cover it. I'm hugely disappointed by a film that should have been an A1 film. It's..well...junk. It really is.

The early films were good as films. The first - trapped in a house, zombies coming in huge waves.

The second - a shopping mall, the perfect place to survive, or not....

The third I admit I slept through. But this? It has perhaps one interesting quality - and that's not enough to save a film. One interesting character.

This was not a film about zombies. It wasn't a film about survival, rescue or horror. There was no romance or love, no gratuitous sex scene or comedy.

Nope - this film was about social parody and statement. How the rich rule the poor.

I had hopes - really, high hopes. I thought that perhaps this film might be an intelligent treatment of how man might survive the coming zombie apocalypse. A tale of a people built on the decaying corpse of the 20th century.

A people pulling together to forge a future - if not a bright one, then at least something that only comes in shades of blood and rot.

One day, one day...


Anonymous said...

I'm alittle disappointed (okay alot) and more so if we don't manage to do Arena tonight !!!

I spoke with my brother and organised to do 10 matches with him.
He said that the other brother was going to be coming round and after he had gone we would do Arena.
I said thats fine, see you later on-line :)

I then log in and get invited to do a headless horseman run (with my brother) and this then lead to a quick ubrs run - total about 1hour.
He then said the other brother had arrived, so I responded with okay see you in a little bit.

I haven't heard from him since, I tried calling 30mins later no response. Then proceeded to call him until 10:30pm - no response.

I can only assue he is dead as he didn't respond at all.

Anonymous said...

If your talking about Martin dissapearing... ide say thats normal.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...