Thursday, January 25, 2007

Day three - orientation

Day three started at silly o'clock today.

finally, after hours of trying I managed to drift away into sleep at about the right time for Canada... +/- a few hours. Until the alarm goes off.

A Scot who had arrived that night appeared to have had a bright idea. He set his alarm clock for 08:00 - aka breakfast time - and gone to bed.

What he neglected to do was change his alarm to the local time zone. Being eight hours behind, this resulted in a midnight awakening. I was not amused.

Still, eventually got back to sleep, and got to breakfast on time.

Now, breakfast....this was not the eggs and bacon affair I could have wished for. There was fruit salad, toast, fruit bread (for toasting), bagels, porridge oats, insanely sugary things full of Jam and things together with muffins and the usual drinks selection.

For someone who doesn't tend to eat breakfast, it was a challenge. Still, free food is free food...and vitamins are usually recommended. Still, there are worse ways to start the day. But be warned - fried is not the only way to go.

Orientation this morning was straightforwards. Thirty or so twenty-odds (some odder then others) and a couple of SWAP staff filling out paperwork, as well as a decent briefing on Canada. Not massively enjoyable, but I can't see it being made any less painful. SWAP definitely seems like a helpful organization for anyone planning a year in Canada - I recommend them.

Met a lovely young women (ok, women....but I still don't quite believe she's over 25...) whom I ended up having lunch with. You travel 4700 miles from England and have lunch with a Yorkshire Lass.

Still, it was nice to chat to someone going through the same sort of thing as you. It helps you feel a little less alone, and a little more hopeful. Still, all good things (even lunch) come to an end, and I'm off to book a greyhound ticket to Kelowna for tomorrow.

Have her email address though, and will definitely try to keep in touch, see how she does in Vancouver.

New years resolution is starting to appear easier then it looked at first. "I will try to be more sociable". May even work...

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