Monday, January 29, 2007

International Youth Hostel Membership

If, god forbid, one of you fine readers should end up within Canada’s mighty boarders then I would recommend without hesitation (repetition or deviation) that you join the youth hostel movement.

For a start, the hostels themselves aren’t bad, and should you find yourself naked, chained to a lamp post in a strange Canadian city they’ll at least give you a room for the night and a halfway decent breakfast.

They may laugh though…

The membership card not only gets you cut rate accommodation, but 25% off greyhound tickets. Yep, that’s right, 25%. So, as in my case, three nights in a hostel and a one way ticket somewhere and the membership is essentially paid already.

And as an added bonus, when you get back to the UK its still valid! Unless your out in Canada for a year…and then you shouldn’t be complaining!


Anonymous said...

I thought this was suppose to be a blog and not a sales pitch!! :D

Though Canada is on my list of places to visit one day but thats waaaay off, but I'm glad to hear its as pleasant as I've been told and that your enjoying yourself.

Japan has the pleasure of putting up with me First! ;) (Insert Evil Grin)


Anonymous said...

The big question is:
Who was the one that chained you naked to the lamp-post in the first place Martin?


(and yes, I have only just started to read through your posts, hence the influx of mindless input(if you can spot the difference *grins*))