Thursday, August 23, 2007

4th Edition

As you all should know by now, 4th edition DnD has been revealed.

I say now, I am concerned about this. As I see it, there are two extremes, and a few "grey" options in between.

Option one. Its full of really cool stuff, thats going to be a vast improvement on 3.5 (No, wait, wasn't 3.5 supposed to fix 3?). It'll revolutionise gaming, and it'll be straight forwards to upgrade the existing mountains of books and guides we all have - as easy as all the third ed stuff was to convert to 3.5.

Option two. It's a calculated attempt by Wizards to extract a whole horde of money for its parent company, Hasbro, to sleep on. This horde must be amassed at all costs, by forcing the loyal gamers to replace all their existing literature.

This will be further expanded by charging a monthly amount for use of a large number of online digital *things*, nature unknown. (Anyone else thinking steady profit stream here?)

Anyway, this is just me and my cynical soul's slightly sad summery. Go look it up on the wizards site...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been sifting through forums that either herald 4.0 as the new saviour, or condemn it to the firery pits of the infinate abyss, even though we have but the scarcest of information regarding the 'new' system. As for myself, I'll probably purchase it on release and then see if it's worth using as a shoehorn.

As for the online D&D content due to become available for purchase some time this decade (if we're 'lucky'), I'm not so keen, as it sprouts from the fetid seeds that fell from the glorious branches of the now-felled Dungeon magazine (oh, and Dragon, meh).
