Thursday, August 23, 2007

Battle report

So, the DnD game. How did it go? Is Ali still speaking to me?

Well...not badly. To begin with, you had the usual paperwork fun - this quibble about points, "But I really want a...". "My concept needs a...".

You know who you are...

Closely followed by the "Is that legal?" - Yes, if you look at chapter xxx...Int of 20 should not be legal at level one...even if it costs that much. And the druid cheese....

Still, finally, we were off! After one of the players delcared he didn't like to be led. Well, ok. There's many ways to lead - and to pull players along. Greed is one of them...

Still, off they go into the wastes - happy in their little, profitable mission to find out what's happening at a local mithril mine. Secure in the knowledge they'll be bringing back pounds of the stuff.....*snigger*

First they run into the remnants of the last shipment from the mine. 200-odd pounds of silver, and 10 of mithril. You could see the dollar signs in their eyes. But how are you going to carry it, asks the DM? "We load it onto the Camel.

Blast. Camels can carry about a tonne, according to game rules. Blast. I think the camel might be the first to die....

Still, we finally end up in the mine, and we reach the First Door. Quite an impressive door, really, and much work had gone into making the appropriate. Definitely the sort of door that a wizard would consider to be protection from those he feared.

And the party walked through it. Literally, through it. It should have been impossible...

Still, the second door. A barrier I would have considered a five minute problem - maybe 10. Everyone in the group is quite smart. Degrees, that sort of thing.

It doesn't help.

Thirty minutes later, of puzzle and toil. Of asking for the Dm for further description
- and being led in the completely wrong direction. Some nice ideas from the players though...

Still, next week - well, saturday. "The black staff" - the point I wanted them to reach last week!


Anonymous said...

So none of them thought to try the handle? ;-)

(Or perhaps they needed a mage-bred sheep to bust through it)


Anonymous said...

All this without your books - told you you didn't need them.