Thursday, August 16, 2007

Passing through....excel...

Evening all

Just a quick word, for your amusement.

Ali and I are quite bright, as people go. We've both got multiple degrees - no really, we have! Both of us are quite at home with technical things, rules and complexity.

So, the other day, we were having a quiet evening in. And....we ended up doing things. In Excel.

What the problem we worked on was, isn't really important. But we came up with a solution, with many laughs on route. But I want you to imagine, if you will, a guy and a girl not watching a film. Or reading, or talking, like normal people....but spreadsheeting.

Even then, we couldn't agree. We came up with two solutions - mine and hers. Hers was simple, and read something like "If x > 8, then the answer is x-8. Otherwise it's 0". Mine was a little more complicated. y= 0.5 (x-8) + 0.5 ( Square root of ((x-8)(x-8))).

My point?

I'm not sure. But we found it hilarious.

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