Monday, October 15, 2007

Blogs I read

By request, here are the blogs I tend to warned, the last is NOT safe for work. EVER. - A blog concerning government waste, excessive tax and the insanity of modern politics. Be warned, he is conservative - with a small c.

This isn't a bad thing, believing in smaller government, efficent public services and honesty from politicians - but I'm giving the warning. - A police blog that (until recently) told of the thoughts and experiences of an unknown police officer somewhere in the UK. He's now been revealed and is moving to Canada, to a new police job. But go read the achieves. - The NHS Doc blog, written about health matters in the uk is a very unflattering view of the NHS, government targets and management madness. - A often amusing blog written by a show obsessed madwomen with Distinct Views on a number of things - heels, Europe and Independence...

And finaly, - WARNING - this is a swear blog, with distinct anti-labour, pro-UKIP leanings. It often has descriptions of politicians that...well, there's a post involving Allistar Darling, ky jelly, Gorden Brown and Sooty. And that's all I'm saying :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Something interesting around Chip 'n' Pin cards.
