Friday, October 5, 2007

How the mighty have fallen

Last year, in the delightful company of Helen and Rob, usual over dinner, we watched "Eureka", also known as "A town called Eureka".

It was a quirky program, with odd turns and strange occurrences.

A house that spirals into depression when you try and leave it.

A funeral is held for someone. Who shortly turns up, puzzled as to why they received flowers and commiserations.

The puncturing of childhood dreams - no, those arn't real moon rocks...
If you believe that I've got a sheet of mint penny black-
Stop it....

Anyway, it was good. However...

The first season was good. But the second, 13 episodes in has had...well...maybe a dozen good moments. It's clear that the writers have been trying to drag the show in the direction of a great big, over arching plot - which doesn't work for the show.

Some shows are canceled before they're ever given a chance. Firefly, Crusade, Threshold...and others that would have been better not going to a second season.

They're killing the show by inches.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thought you might find this ammusing...
