Friday, December 14, 2007

Local news - or a bit of a screwup...

Now, as a few of you may know, I've had my glasses for rather a long time.

Not days, weeks or months, but years. Longer then half a decade - sounds impressive, doesn't it?

So I finaly went for a new pair. My prescription hasn't changed much in the last 8 years - about 0.25, which is basically nothing for someone who's -7 Blind.

So there I was, shopping for frames. Ended up with a pair...and another pair, for sunglasses.

Took about a week, a special offer and some (not to subtle) bribery on the part of the sales people to persuade me. The fact that I both prescription sunglasses and glasses - with all the mods - for about as much as a standard pair in the uk didn't hurt much.

Still, ordered, told they'd be ready in a week.

A week later, no joy.

Next week, they had the sunglasses in. But...its snowing here. Snowing. Sunglasses aren't majorly useful - so I wanted both pairs. So I said I'd be back in a week. I get back, and they have the lenses in for the day wear glasses.

Just the lenses. Till they notice that the lab had failed to apply all the coatings, which to me was Quite Important.

So did I want to take as it was, and have a discount? No!! I want what I paid for. So I explain I leave the country in January, and that I ordered them in November - about a month ago now. Slightly untrue...but close enough.

So they mounted the wrong lenses for me to wear in the mean time, and promised to put the proper ones in the lenses next week when they arrive.

Then, to top it all off, they were miffed when I choose to go running in my old specs, not my (temporary) new ones.

You'd think that an optician of all people would know that going out running, in the snow and ice, with a new pair of glasses on that distort the world around you differently to the pair you've worn for a third of your life MIGHT be a bad idea!

*cough* *cough* *muppets* *cough*

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