Friday, December 14, 2007

The weekend

Ok people, we have a problem for us to consider.

The problem is simple - we currently plan to do an instance run in the ragefire chasm - or three. This requires a typical party of five - tank, healer and three DPS (and/or utility people).

Now, in the banking thread Piro has said about graphics problems - and as such, probably unable to run on sunday, which is a problem as he's our healer.

Now, Silvy, before you say anything I'd like you to read the page here.

In summery - you can't heal us yet, you can't get to the talents needed. So we've got a choice..
1) Do nothing
2) Level up somewhat, and reschedule for next week
3) Play alliance together
4) Other


And for fun...


Anonymous said...

4) go out and have fun, party and celebrate the holidays with friends!

Anonymous said...

Morning All
There's no reason that we can't take care of the pre-RFC cavern to get the next part of the quest.

To be honest I would like to give RFC a go. Taking out all the food might be a good idea, and dividing it between us as neccessary to rest up and heal between fights. And if it does get too much then we can simply high-tail it out of there and await the return of Piro (assuming he hasn't received his new graphics card by sunday).


Anonymous said...

And don't forget, for a small charge Mags can provide some nourishment when we run out of food.

But we will still need a healer....

Born Today said...

Silvy can heal, somewhat. Not normaly enough for an instance at this point, but this one is a special case.

I've gone out and aquired some gear. Enough upgrades so that I should be into the resist 40% of damage or better.

While not anywhere near what I consider comfortable, it should be ok to try the instance like that, if Silvy is healing.

Anonymous said...

its worth while attempting the instance, atleast we will see what we're capable of.

People will just have to remember their roles.

Worst case we wipe a couple of times.

Anonymous said...

Solo pally build 1:

Solo pally tanking build 2:

Solo pally dps build 3:

I have given you 3 builds and you will notice that the healing stuff does not change. There is reason for this - they are important to keeping you alive.

This is manannan's build: