Friday, March 14, 2008

The games we play...

Now that I'm back in England I've joined the local roleplay games group again, just in time to help torment a Canadian.

Somethings you just can't make up....

Meet Steve. He's a likeable fellow, cheerful, good knowledge of the rules (not upto myself or another rules lawyer, but he uses us like resources. Why look it up when someone at the table already Knows?) and a decent sense of humour - which is good.

Because he needs it.

The club organises games around 8 week rotations, shuffling things around - games can and do go on past that, but typically a good game will be on one, off one rotation.

So with just 8 weeks to get us moving he starts the game in Waterdeep, a port city with more nightlife then you can hit with a club. This was not a mistake.

What was a mistake was saying "Ok, none of you know each other" and trying to get the group to form up "naturally".

His first attempt failed because half the group decided to go to a different inn. Which was fine, because we dropped from 6 individual people to two groups - this has to be easier to manage.

It's taken a break in, an attack by a wondering thugs, the deaths of several pigeons and a lost handbag to get the two groups together in the same building talking.

What they're talking about is a new handbag and the current fashion in elven clothing. But at least we're in the same building.

But this is what can happen when you get good roleplayers. You discuss handbags.


Anonymous said...

Didn't you tell me you had posts for 3 days in a row?

Anonymous said...

Ah, the old 'Throw crap at the players until they team up' tactic. It never fails. Though Steve might want to try a psychotic riot next time.

Tell my fellow Canuck that I'll down a stack of pancakes in his honour.

Born Today said...

Will do Matt

Anonymous said...