Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Lies to children

While at St John Ambulance the other day (yes, it's a bad habit - I'm trying to quit) - I saw a poster.

Now imagine if you will, the building we use. It's a youth center and daily a stream of young people flow though it. So you'd think that there would be some care taken over the decoration.

Well, there is. A graffiti cow - no, I don't understand either - as tall a man and twice as long. Art work and signs, as well as an amazing assortment of bright and colourful posters.

It is of these posters that I wish to speak. Should the brother - you know who you are - have given me the photo I would show you the source of my ire. But he hasn't, so I won't.

Still, this poster. It lies to children.

Not a small lie. Not the tooth fairy, santa, "England might win this year" or "grandma has gone to a better place" - some of which are remotely true. Given the state of average care home...

No, this is a big lie. A lie that could wreck a child's life, if they acted upon it.

It says in letters big and bold, unrepentant and knowing its own sin "You'll never regret doing the right thing".

What was that? You at the back? You can't see what's wrong? Shame on you..
Well go on you pomposs windbag, get on with it!

This poster is wrong on so many levels. The first, biggest and largest flaw is that of foresight.

How are you to know what the "right thing" actually is? The "right thing" may well appear wrong. It may not appear to be an option. The "right thing" might be to do nothing.

I'm not sure I'd know what the "right thing" to do is, in all situations.

The second way this poster is glaringly and obviously wrong is it assumes there is always a right thing to do. Many situations don't have a correct choice.

Reducing every single moral dilemma to the state of "Right or wrong" doesn't help children. It hinders them. It lies.

The number of other dazzling errors here is beyond belief. What if it's a choice between two "right things"? What if....what if....

Ultimately, this poster presents a simple philosophy to a young group of people - with the moral usefulness of an old bicycle inner tube.

Because I sometimes regret doing the right thing. Sometimes the right thing is wrong.


Anonymous said...

Problem is you never came round to collect it.

Anonymous said...

An update on the snow storm... 10-15 cm have fallen, second wave of snow to come. 30-35 to come that is...

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness i hadn't realized just how bad the weather was back east, here in kelowna the snow is all gone and people are starting to wear capries and spring jackets

Anonymous said...

Lucky you...
Plus if we need to get to work or go out somewhere tomorrow you have to get up an hour early to shovel snow because its daylight saving time , really looking forward to loosing sleep!

Anonymous said...

about lies, it could be much worse and really you shouldnt regret doing the right thing, if it was really the right thing you may not know. it may be the wrong thing, you regretit and think it was right.

What I mean is you never know whats right, so the poster slightly confusing, lying perhaps if you are one to think you are always right and always do the right thing, but not a HUGE lie.

Thought I could regret this is im wrong. haha

Anonymous said...

An update on the snow for everyone's entertainment,
Eastern Ontario had between 48 and 54cm of snow from friday night to saturday night. With the winter we've had theres about a foot between the roof and the snow bank, so not even fun to jump off of.

Ottawa after the 2nd snow storm this winter had blown their snow removal budget.

... all thanks to global warming