Friday, April 4, 2008

Absolute madness

At the start of febuary, I applied for a job at the local NHS trust. On the 3rd of febuary - so quite a while. I didn't hear anything for a month - so I assumed the worst and effectively forgot about it.

This morning I get an emailed link to a message,'ve not got it.

So it's taken them TWO MONTHS to get their arses in gear to inform the candidates that they've actual failed.

Where as in comparison another NHS group I applied for has read my application, arranged an interview, said no we don't want to give you that job, we want to give you this one instead and been accepted in all of 22 days. That's including 2 bank holidays and I don't know how many weekends.

It's laughable really.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It isn't Madness.