Friday, April 18, 2008

Things blowing up

I'm miffed.

In the last few days I've destroyed 2 electrical items at (as far as I'm concerned) the most annoying times possible.

First, I blow a five amp fuse in the laptop power supply. Lets be clear here though - a 5 amp fuse in a 240 volt appliance. So it can take 1200 watts of power at it's rated maximum.

My laptop draws (at worst) 90 watts. The power supply claims to never draw more then a single amp.

And I've got a dead 5 amp fuse.


The second thing I've destroyed is a multi-meter. Now this occured perhaps five minutes before I was going to perform the Ultimate Test. That is, how long will the laptop take to drain those batteries so dry they couldn't power a toothbrush.

But before that, I need to check on the solar powered recharging of some batteries. Ten minutes before the 4 AAA rechargeables had a combined voltage of 1.44 volts - so about bugger all (sorry, .37) each.

I flip on the meter, DC Voltage, no more then 20V...and it reads -1. It reads -1 one for voltage, ampage...I'm fairly sure it would say "-1 for president" if I let it.

If I'd done something to it, I'd understand, but...


Anonymous said...

Wait I just realized, you blew up the NEW power supply for your laptop that was pretty expensive?

Anonymous said...

Awww, I already used my 'What has science Done' macro. I'm a sad panda.

Anonymous said...

ok matt i have to ask what does a panda have to do with anything

Born Today said...

It's so cute!

Anonymous said...

granted panda's are cute but what does it have to do with anything

Anonymous said...

Hay hum...

Hows the new Job.

Anonymous said...

Why, everything, my good anon.


Anonymous said...

you know... we could talk on my blog while im at work...