Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My telepathy isn't what it used to be

This post has been delayed for some time since I saw the article it's based on. What can I say, Christmas got in the way.

I'm doing it now because I'm sitting in an office, far from my own, waiting for some software to install. This is going to take some time...

The topic today is quite simple - a news article that some of you - ok, lets be honest - all of you probably missed.

There is in fact a type of film that will damage your love life.

We're not talking "Sorry dear, I'm watching xxxxxxx" type damage - anything can cause neglect and distraction. No, I'm talking far, far worse then that.

We're talking romantic comedy.

I know, I can hear it from here - girls love those things. Yes, they almost all do.

That's the problem.

Yes, I know, I know - I can feel you glaring from here. I know I'm not an unbiased observer here - I'm not a fan of the genre by any definition. So feel free not to take my word on it - I'll post a link at the end of the file.

But the problem is simple - look at any "rom com" and you see a few common traits. The characters don't talk - they fall in love. Almost spontaneously, sometimes without even speaking a word.

They then seem to break up their budding relationship, over some lack of communication issue. One of them (typically the man, but that's another rant entirely) will make some huge overblown romantic gesture that's almost completely insane - and all is well.

They never sit down and talk. More to the point, the men are always supposed to know exactly what to do, say or how she's feeling.

Now, I know some of you are thinking or saying "But isn't that what love is?"

No, that's telepathy.

A truly great expectation.


Anonymous said...

well for now we dont have that problem ... do we? ur in england im in Canada I guess romantic comedies shouldnt be a problem ...

and when we do, you have a choice ... watch it and shut up or dont watch it at all. women like to fantasize of men who say sorry for their mistakes... and are romantic and caring and in sync with emotions... arent we all allowed to fantasize.

I remember someone saying he likes women in dresses and skirts (especially old fashion ones) and other things like that.. keep fantacizing dear.

Anonymous said...

Old fashion ones? grey/white hair?

Born Today said...

1) Old fashioned = not belts pretending to be skirts.

2) *Sigh*

Anonymous said...

as in medival type dress...

Anonymous said...

as in a woman who respects herself enough to actually cover herself and accepts that in this world we can be tough like we think we must but still retain our feminity (something greatly lacking these days)

Born Today said...

I'm afraid it's nothing to do with womens' self respect, strength or anything of the sort.

It's just that to my eye, most women look better.

Some women think a man in a shirt looks hot.

I think women look lovely in skirts and dresses. I can't/won't force anyone to wear anything.

But I know what catches my eye.

Anonymous said...

If you and I lived on a tropical island where the sun and heat were present everyday, I would wear dresses and skirts 50% of the time...maybe even 60%. But then it would be too warm for you to wear a dress shirt.

I guess you could just fly here in a season where the temperature isnt -30 to 5 degrees?

Anonymous said...

news flash - telepthy does not work.

Else you would have put a new post up :D