Thursday, January 22, 2009


In the UK I've been unable to escape from the coming Messiah. On every news channel, every third second seems dedicated to the man.

To me, this is excessive. I believe that no matter what he does he can never live up to the expectations of change, now that a Black Man is president.

I believe this for a simple reason - the world is not defined by one person. If Hilary had won there would be an equivalent demand for change - because a women had won.

If "that other guy" had won then he would face the same problems as Obama and Hilary. We would still have an economic crisis. We would still be looking at the destruction in Gaza and shaking our heads.

The world would be the Same.

For those who say "But things are different now" - it won't be. People used to say that women in politics would help encourage peace and a less confrontational style.

Well, actually - I still know people who believe that. Despite the evidence of Margret Thatcher and the Falklands war.

It doesn't matter if the leader of a nation is male, female or an underage goat* - what matters is what they do, what they say and what they command.

That I await with interest. But please - some other news? Sometime today??

*And if you don't like the goat you can curry it. Which makes it distinctly more useful then bush....


Anonymous said...

stop trash talking Obama and complain about Brown

Born Today said...

Define trash, please.

He does receive huge amounts of air time.

He will face the same problems that anyone else would face if they were president at the same time.

I believe that what he does is more important then what he is.

Is that wrong?

Anonymous said...

a few history tidbits...

1833 - Slavery is abolished in Great Britain..

Only years later in

1865 - is salvery abolished in the USA

now... I dont know what color or nationality were your slaves but the slaves in America were black and were the racial minorities.

Now Segregation....

Britain (according to wikipedia.. a reliable source according to you) "Segregation may have existed near the Anglo-Saxon England, restricting intermarriage and resulting in the displacement of the native British population by Germanic incomers. According to research led by the University College London, Anglo-Saxon settlers enjoyed substantial social and economic advantages over Celtic Britons" There are approximatly 30 000 African Britons in Britain.

In the USA, segration laws were made. blacks and whites were not to share the same school, buses, restaurants. Jim Crow Laws were in effect till 1965 (YES you are reading this right 1965) were social segregation was in effets as seperate but "equal" which we all know wasnt equal at all. but only in 1970 were all laws abolished banning social segregation. And now even though its 2009, we still have ghettos. Racism in America is an ongoing struggle and mainly against African Americain. There are 38 million African American in the USA (more than there are canadians in Canada)

Also I will point out that 2 big leaders that defended African American rights were murderered , Malcom X and Martin Luther King. So people who've tried to stand up and prove that an African American citizen is good enough to make it at top were killed, cops still do Racial profiling today ....

So now you try and tell me that a black man becoming president of the united states wont make a difference. Yes, sure the goals and the same. But now lets face it those 38 million african american citizen now can believe in someone whos ancestor didnt repress them and have been racists. In theirs and in everyone's eye theres a glimpse of hope that maybe an African american president can lead them and possibly do it better than past ones and certainly better than Bus. So does it make adifference that hes black, Definatly . More poeple will follow and support him, which will make changes easier.

Are they right to have him all over the news on every chanel, every newspaper to let people know. OF COURSE THEY ARE, ITS A GREAT DAY FOR AMERICA. they are of course entitle to show how glad they are (plus its been 2days and you complain) as much as you are allowed to complain to everyone about you dead hard drive (which happened Saturday) and your msn name still complains of it.

So suck it up, Obama is a good man and will be a great 44th president of the united states, and after only 2 days in offices hes done more good than has Bush in the past few years)

Born Today said...

I'll try and keep things brief...

"now... I dont know what color or nationality were your slaves but the slaves in America were black and were the racial minorities."

Much the same as slaves everywhere. Except we abolished it in the UK in 1772. The 1833 act was I believe for the rest of the empire.

Segregation in the UK is a non-issue - it's not something we've had since the dark ages.

That the US has a tendency to shoot influential people - including two serving presidents - I'm forced to agree.

But none of these are the points I am making.

My complaint is based on a 30 minute sample of news. This morning I timed it - of 30 minutes of news time, 0800-0830, there was 8 minutes of adverts, 2 minutes of weather, 5 minutes of sports, 5 minutes of random news and 10 minutes on the US president.

Nothing on - say - the use of white phosphorous weapons in Gaza.

"But now lets face it those 38 million african american citizen now can believe in someone whos ancestor didnt repress them and have been racists."

That's a statement I could spend a long time debating. However, I'm out of lunch.

My basic point is - the UK media should spend a little less time worshiping the man and more time focusing on what he does.

What he has done so far is good. That should be focused on.

The future.

nb - I don't change my MSN tag from one month to the next - so that's not a valid point!

Anonymous said...

its not because its not a valid point to you that its not

Anonymous said...

... and before the inauguration... gaza was on the news 24/7.

plus your saying terrorists are more valuable of air time? when countries just like watching who dies without even intervening??
like accessory to murder?
when its new news , its inevitable it will take more air time! common sence

Anonymous said...

and if it wasn't for Obama being on TV, you would be moaning about the events in Gaza.

Good news from russia though, as they are not buildign the missile base near poland now - all thanks to Obama.

Anonymous said...

And Guantanamo Bay is beeing shut down so thats good. I find kind of mean to keep your prisoners in someone else's country

Born Today said...

I agree - closing Guantanamo is a GOOD act.

Persuading the Russians not to build missile bases - also a good thing.

But those are actions - the things I will judge him on.