Saturday, March 14, 2009


I'm terrible at making decisions.

You lot know this. So I'm looking at a choice - no bonus points for guessing what it is.

I've looked into the options - attempting my usual method of problem solving. That is - understand the problem. Eliminate the impossible and the downright silly.

Once you've done this there's rarely more than an option left. Or, if there are several options there's usually one clear and certain optimal solution.

I'll be damned if I can see it.


Anonymous said...

huh? whats the subject?

Anonymous said...

born again check your previous post.. well Feb. ones there are random websites posted as comments.. I know youde said something about random people trying to put links to odd sites on blogs..

Anonymous said...

You did a mis-type :)

It should have read...

'I've looked into the options - attempting my usual method of problem solving. That is - sleep, more sleep and if that doesn't work then ignore it'

Anonymous said...

Also if you cut your hair then you might have a chance to see something.


Anonymous said...

hahaha, I have tried to reason with him saying he needs to cut his hair and spean LESS time sleeping. I guess for both of those he might wait till June.

Anonymous said...

I have looked into how long it could take to hit lvl 80 with my lvl 36 pally.

These are the assumptions I am making:
1) each level will take an extra 15 minutes to hit the next level.
2) it will take 2hrs 30mins total to hit level 37 (lvl 35-36 took nearly 4hours, lvl 34-35 took 3 hours)
3) it took 8 days playing time to get my 3rd character to 60 (on alliance side after having done all the quests twice before)
4) also used current speed of lvling on this char to hit 36.
5) no instance runs/walkthroughs involved - at low levels this can slow down lvling.

based on these assumptions and past experience I have pulled together a very tight timeline, which if I achieve then I will be really pleasantly suprised.

My best estimate is 14 days 2 hours, although my worst case will be nearly 17 days.
If you take all 14 days 2 hours and split it into 2 hour sessions, you get a total of 169 sessions.

So playing 2 hours a day will mean I could hit 80 in 169 days, assuming I was on every day for 2 hours.
This means the earliest I could reasonably expect to hit 80 is by the begining of September.

Now compare this to someone who is currently level 72 (will refer to him as Player X), they could hit lvl 80 using the same scale and timings used for my lvl 36-80 would only need 4 days 12 hours, or based on 2hour sessions, they would only need 54 days real time. Although the person in question is on from 6am till about 7:30/8am nearly every day and again in the afternoon/evening for a couple of hours.


Why did I go into the maths of this?

Well Born today said to Player X, that I was planning to beat him to lvl 80.
I do understand partly why he may have said it - to give him an incentive to get to lvl 80 asap.

But what beggers believe is that Born today, loves to go deeply into mathematics to prove his point, but didn't even look into the maths of whether it was feasible for a lvl 36 character could hit 80 before someone who is only lvl 72. Did he even look at how long it took himself on his character who has only just got to 80 this week - I think the answer is NO.

Its very sad that Player X took him seriously and is now in 'compertion' with me to hit 80 first.

Factors that will delay hitting lvl 80...
I am in a relationship, which limits me on the time available to commit to WOW to about 10 hours a week.
The only time at the weekends is a sunday night for 2-3 hours.
I am planning for a wedding and honeymoon, as well as trying to clear my junk to make space for my wife to be.

Born today had all the facts before he made the unbelieveable statement to Player X, so he cannot claim innocence to not knowing them.

Why did he know about them? Because I booked his time to do 'cat sitting' duing the wedding/honeymoon!

Anonymous said...

mananan.. hopefully that time off isnt in June :)

Born Today said...

Have spoken to manannan in person.

Because I didn't feel like typing that much!

Anonymous said...

Isabelle, its not June

Born Today, how lazy 'have spoken to Manannan'....

Born Today has taken nearly 20 days to get to level 80, we agreed that taking 2 days off for guild chat and skilling up on Blacksmithing was a fair representation of time.

So it took a total of 18 days playing time to level to 80.
Whilst I am on level 37, it has taken me 2 days 2hours so far.

This is a reasonable amount of time, so my estimation for getting to level 80 is a good stretching target.

Therefore I reiterate my point...

How was I ever going to hit 80 before Player X.

Anonymous said...

Just hit 40, and managed to do it just in the time line specified above :)