Friday, July 3, 2009

I'm going slightly mad

Just to let everyone know I Have Returned.

Like Return of the Jedi, but less lightsabers and more unpacking. I've only been awake for the last 30 or so hours, so I'm rather tired.

I don't have any net at home now - although I've put an order in - so for the moment I'm sponging off the parents, while they cook me dinner.

This works all round, as far as I can tell...


Manannan said...

Don't miss out on Torchwood every night this week at 9pm on BBC1

Manannan said...

I'm going slightly mad too...

'I'm just going to do this heroic VH and then we can go to Ramparts. Will only be 35mins.'

So I said ok - getting dinner, will be back soon.

After 25mins, I relog back in only to find that someone is logging out as still jet lagged 4 days after he gets back from a trip to canada!

I'd understand the jet lag if he flew back yesterday, but 4 days? Recommend you have words with Ilex (sorry if I misspelt the name)!

Isabelle said...

he gives that only as an excuse... have you not learned that yet?

Manannan said...

I'm going slightly mad too...

I'm moving house tomorrow, and my insides are very gittery.

Its finally set in that I am moving and there is no more time to sort stuff out, play computer games or even chill out and watch a film!

I'm double/triple checking that I get everything done and ready!

The dragon in the garden is with the flower pots! but I am sure I will forget something, but at least he will be ready.

The house is in a mess, nothing is in the right place!

The cats, they will be brought in tonight and not let out again for several weeks. If I don't then I will loose Poppie for ever as she only comes in when she wants to and if she feels safe - she will not feel safe if half the furniture is moved.