Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Unexpected consequences

As you've probably worked out by now, I'm a believer in Equality. Which doesn't seem hugely popular out there in the real world.

Anyway, read this .

A massive extension of maternity leave across Europe was last night voted for by the Womens’ Rights Committee of the European Parliament to make it compulsory for employers to pay mothers for a minimum of 20 weeks on full pay.

Now, let's assume for the sake of argument that the average women will in her lifetime have 2.5 children. That she's probably going to have them between the ages of 20 and 40.

Yes, I know these numbers are both flawed - I'm picking them to keep things simple.

2.5 children * 20 weeks = 50 weeks... essentially a year. We assumed a time frame of 20 years - so for 1 in 20 years they are a cost, not an asset.

That is, they are 5% less effective over that time.

This "women's rights committee" will have done more to undermine equality and fairness with this proposed law then...then... I can't think of a good enough example.

People don't usually shoot themselves in the foot with anti-tank weapons.

1 comment:

Manannan said...

Just to let you know, I can nolonger access this site from work!!!
