Thursday, September 13, 2007

Strange pictures...

Evening all.

Courtesy of Mother, I now have my webcam here in Canada. So low resolution photo's are now a cheap and easy thing to do.

There's only one small, tiny catch.

The camera was never returned to its original state, since I converted it one sunny afternoon into a near infra-red camera. So right now, it can see in the dark (with an IR source, such as this video remote...).

It can easily pick out objects camouflaged in the visible spectrum - because it doesn't see the same light as we do. A black object can be white, a pattern of green and brown can be either white, black, or some strange pattern.

A tabby cat is still tabby though - but this makes sense. If a rodent could defeat cat concealment by shifting slightly the light spectrum they can see...they would!

But why bring this up? Well, I am going to turn it back into a real camera at some point Soon. But in the mean time, what should I photograph, in IR?

But keep it legal people.

*Edit to add photo


Anonymous said...

Talk about a fat cat!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

how about photographing what your part of Canada looks like in the dark - seeing as we have yet to see in daylight.

or the stars at night

the moon reflecting off of snow covered hills (jd's suggestion)

Born Today said...

There's a few limitations on the camera - its only 640*480 resolution, so the stars/moon/solar observations are going to fail.

It also needs an IR lightsource - night vision cameras that use the same light range use the equivilent of an IR spotlight...

Anonymous said...

You could always check to see how good the local museums protection is...

Anonymous said...

lets see.. a picture of... YOU seeing on how the last picture your probably sent your mother was the one in a suit like months ago... :P if that. lol.

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know, Robert Jordan died at the weekend.

And he didn't even get to finish his last book.
