Thursday, March 20, 2008

Semi-legal pleasures

With the current government in the UK anything considered a "pleasure" by a large part of the population seems to be in the cross-hairs for a tax hike or a ban, possibly both. See also drinking, smoking, driving...

But this morning I found one that isn't (yet) banned or taxed (more then anything else). It is frowned upon though. Medical experts advise against it. Dietitians would shake their heads sadly..

But this is what you do. Get some water - clean, wholesome tapwater will do. Place it on the stove, bringing it to the boil as quickly as possible - can't possibly waste energy by taking your time.

While the water boils get out the fresh baked bread. Carefully cut yourself a couple of slices. Thin, but not too thin. Get out the butter-

Stop. I saw that. Get out the BUTTER, not margarine or some such synthetic stuff. The butter - salted butter. Yes, salt is bad and wrong, or so they claim - ignore them.

Place 3 eggs in the boiling water and start timing - three minutes, no more. Butter the bread and then cut it into strips, about three quarters of an inch wide.

Remove the soft boiled eggs (yes, this many eggs is bad for you - to much cholesterol, or so they say) and one at a time, remove the top. Break the yolk, adding a little salt if you only had "healthy slightly salted butter" - and then....oh, and then dip the bread into the egg before slowly eating...

Savour the lovely taste.

When you've finished the first egg, remember - you have two more.


Anonymous said...

I want to puke, but I guess to each their own...

Anonymous said...

I actually agree with Isabelle on this. Who knew? ;-)

Anonymous said...

are you two kidding me that was one of my favortie things as a child and funny enough about a week ago i was thinking of making it
wonderful stuff

Anonymous said...

hmmm yummy havent had those in least mine will be slightly heathy as I don't eat Butter or Marge (yuk!)


Anonymous said...

I've been doing that, only I've been making sandwiches with them.

Mmmm, soft egg sand-wedge...