Thursday, April 17, 2008

Glue sticks and tinfoil

Now tell me, what can you make with a glue stick, some tin foil and a sheet of paper?

Well, today I've made one of these - a small, home made parabolic dish to aid my wireless stick. The problem being it's not a very good stick.

No - really - it cost about $16 (£8) and is such good quality that it doesn't even have a brand name. It can fail to pickup a wireless signal inside the same ROOM. For a reliable signal you want to be at least 15ft away from the transmitter.

No - really. Any closer and it drops every minute. Any further and it drops, every minute.

And yet....with the aid of this handy-dandy silver foil monster I can further away from the router. Rather then having the effective freedom of my bedroom, I'm now transmitting through the wall of the at an oblique angle.

That is - through 18 inches of building material (straight on, it would be 6 inches - but at an angle...) a load bearing wall. All this and the signal strength varies between 30% and 60%.

As opposed to 0%-30%.

Go tinfoil!

Edit for a really silly mistake


Anonymous said...

Click my name for my proper response. Assuming I have not borked it up.

Anonymous said...

Haha Martin.... Matt has showed that I can send indirectly a photo on here. Remember the PAINT drawing I did?

Anonymous said...

When Season 4 begins, Season 3 items will be reduced in personal and team arena rating requirement to:

Shoulders: 1950
Weapon: 1800

The new Season 4 items will have the below personal and team arena rating requirements:

Shoulders: 2200
Weapon: 2050
Head: 1700
Chest: 1600
Legs: 1550
Gloves: none
Off-hand: none

In addition, some of the Season 4 quality items that will be purchasable with honor will also carry a personal and team arena rating requirement:

Boots: 1700
Ring: 1650
Bracers: 1575
Belt: none
Necklace: none
Trinket: none