Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I was thinking today about birthdays. (And no, this is not a gentle reminder about the near future)

What I was thinking about was how they've changed.

I remember, all those years ago, of bring so excited about getting a floppy disk of my own for the computer we had back then. One of my very own, to store files and things on.

I'm sitting here now and I can't think of anything that would generate as much excitement. Unless NASA is looking for astronauts.

Is a reflection of how much more I have then when I was 7?

Or have I lost that spark of "Oh WOW!" that turned a little square of plastic and magnetic film into awesomeness?


manannan said...

I know how you feel, its coming up to mine and to be honest I agree with your feelings.

Rules inforced due to rule makers mess up: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/8245411.stm

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Martin we need to buy you a new floppy disc - that one must have worn out by now.

If neither of you feel excited about your birthdays then perhaps we should just ignore them.

It gets more exciting as you get older - when you suddenly realise there may not be that many more to come..........Mmm

Born Today said...

Being invited to CERN might count as an early birthday present, as and when I can get that organised...

Maybe it's because it requires a spiral.

You're happy because you've got something cool. Everybody else is happy because you're happy. So you become even happier.

One great big vampiric circle?