Tuesday, October 20, 2009



I'm not a huge fan of mornings - atleast, not if I have to be awake.

But I've found a reason to love them. Well, to not hate them.

Work have sent me off on a training course (which was kind of them) - then only catch is that I have to leave at 7am, probably not back till 7pm.

This tends to leave me just a tad tired. However...there is an upside. We're car sharing on the way down and because my car is so small, I can't drive us.

Under work terms and conditions, I can claim the additional travel time as time off in lieu.

That is, I can claim the time I spend sleeping in someone elses car on the way down as time off in lieu.

They're paying me to sleep.


There will be mails and things to people tomorrow. I will write them on the netbook during the drive.

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