Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Online madness

I have a boredom threshold that varies between saint like patience and a three year old's - you may have noticed.

So there I was, having already done what the instructor wanted us to do - so I thought I'd have a look to see how much the last book in the wheel of time set would cost me.

Web browser, stop.

Because I'm looking at the list of recommended products - and it's madness.

The machine had no history with the site, no amazon user was logged in. And what did it recommend?

Windows 7 - How much did Microsoft pay for that??
Shoes - Nope, not what I'm after..
Jeans - I need some, but I'd much rather try them on first - fail.
Coats - No thankyou...
Dresses - Just no.
PC/video games - Possibly, but I've just not got the time.
Cutlery - What??
Lamps - WHY??!?

So of all the possible recommendations the could possibly suggest not one is that for which they are famous.



Unknown said...

so have you got windows 7 yet?

Mine arrived on Monday!

Unknown said...

Finished with my modem?