Friday, May 25, 2007

More to life

Lots to blog about, so hope to post something daily for a while.

Now, old news. A few weeks ago, Ali and I bought some real trainers. I say trainers, I mean running shoes you can wear elsewhere. Definitly not cheap - only about half uk cost.

Now, why is this bloggable?

For the last 24 years or so, I've considered shoes and other footware a necessary evil. At most, I'd spend £20 on trainers, because...well...all you do is walk around in them. (And go exercising, and everything else..)

These, however, are different. Walking in them is a dream - compared to my boots (other footware of choice) I'm floating. Maybe 2 inches above the ground.

Light, airy, very cool in both the physical and fashion sense.

So I imagine my real point here is "You get what you pay for". Cheap shoes are fine...uf you don't want to Use them. Probably the same can be said for most things.

And when it comes to the gym (yep, I signed away my soul and joined one here) they make running a dream - though Alison has been less then pleased on occasion, mainly becaue I just keep running.

And running.

She'll finish then have to wait for me, then wait for me while I pull myself back together after running...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are these wonder trainers?