Monday, September 17, 2007

Robert Jordan

I know R posted a comment about Robert Jordan, but I was asleep when it happened.

Robert Jordan, author of the Wheel Of Time set - two and a half foot of my bookcase - has died.

This is no suprise, for he had been dying for a long time - since the last book was released. Which was about 2 years ago.

There's been a lot of us following the set, from the first book to the latest, each between 500 and a thousand pages. We've watched the dark, the light. The Aes Sedai who speak no word that is not true. The forsaken and the...well, we're still not sure what Moriden is.

There's hope that the book will be finished - there are large quantities of notes, tapes and manuscripts.

Death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier then a mountain

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My annoyance right now exceeds all words...... enough to fill over eleven books...


Just imagine if he hadn't bothered with that stupid prologue book, New Spring, this wouldn't be an issue. I suppose in times like this, people should be paying tribute to the great writer, but instead they're cursing the possibility that he may not have finished his series.

Well, thanks RJ, the first and the most recent (eleventh) book were really enjoyable, but if I find that it all ends there, I'm transcending this earth, with a vacuum cleaner, and bringing you back myself so that you can finish the job that you started.
