Sunday, April 26, 2009

Why you shouldn't fear terrorists

You shouldn't fear terrorists because - essentially - they're muppets.

If a terrorist group wanted to cause some real damage they wouldn't be bombing places. Nope - it's a pointless exercise, because you can never do enough damage.

Number of bombings in the last 10 years in the UK that actually inflicted damage? Ditto, the USA, Canada?

No. An intelligent terrorist group would right now fly to Mexico and find some people infected with this.

Infect the dedicated in, say, London - wouldn't need to be many, maybe 10 - and have them go to the cinema. The theatres, football and a school play.

That would cripple the country - much more so then taking out a tube station or three.

Don't attack property. Inflict real fear.

(What can I say? I have high quality nightmares sometimes)

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