Sunday, December 28, 2008

Once again, the bombs fall

Once again in the land with the city holy to the three largest religions, bombs fall. Missiles whine and people die.

But here in the UK there seems to be a small, tiny - nay, microscopic bias in the reporting.

Yes, Israel are again bombing the life out of Gaza.

But Hamas launched rockets from the gaza strip first.

Now, it's not as clear cut as all that - it never is. They attacked us, we attcked them back. Remember that the attrocity we commit now is excused by what they did to us last time.

But what is clear is that this could all be ended very, very quickly. It's depressingly simple - if they would stop for 5 minutes to think about it.

Hamas can't win with military might. They launch rockets, Israel has nuclear weapons. (Probably.)

But if the rockets and the attacks stopped, so would the retaliation. Follow this up with non-violent protest. Ghandi had the right idea in India and its hugely difficult to fight - because there is nothing to fight.

But no.

You homo sapiens and your guns...

Yes, I know, I want a rifle. So shoot me.

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