Saturday, December 20, 2008

Promised things

As some of you might remember, I promised to post a few comments that were made while I was in Canada.

If this offends anyone - I've taken out the worst ones. And I firmly believe that if god exists, s/he's got a sense of humour.

Now, to set the scene...

It's a catholic church, with a christening service going on in the background at the front. All in french...

Two warcraft players hiding at the back of the church.

Some of the more printable comments:

"Can you get instant quest text here?"
"Rep grinding with the catholic there a daily quest?"
"How many points is a service worth? Is it extra on Sundays?"
"Are christenings repeatable?"
"Yes...but you need a rare quest drop."
"What do you get for being exalted here?"


Anonymous said...

"Can you gain rep for other religions by disrupting the service?"

Anonymous said...

Rep/XP/achievement grinding options for different religions

- Drop Stink bomb in different nomination's churches
- Interrupt a ceromoniy
- Change music to rock & roll during service
- Alter the power point presentation before its used
- Take horse into place of worship, bonus if horse takes a dump
- Swap the wine for blood
- Phone the preacher's mobile number during service and it rings

Anonymous said...

Funny news artical