Monday, February 2, 2009

Weird Dreams

We've all had weird dreams - falling, dreaming of sleeping, dreaming of worlds where the dead walk and the streets are flooded with the blood of innocents.

Ok, alright, those last two might only be me...

Still, this one - this one deserves special mention. For you see, last night I dreamed I was having a bath. A bath isn't something I usually do - mainly because years ago mother ripped out the bath and replaced it with just a shower - so there was nothing prompting this.

I know, I know - baths aren't that unusual, so why is it weird?

Have you ever had a bath in a non-Newtonian fluid?

Neither have I...although I've now dreamt about it.

But now I want to know - what would it be like....


And yes, as mentioned by someone in the office, the easiest and cheapest non-newtonian fluid is really, REALLY thick custard. So thick that if you hit it with a spoon, it bounces.

But if you rest a finger on it gently it sinks straight though...


Anonymous said...

an even cheaper alternate to get this liqud you want is by using corn flour. Custard is made up of.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The last post was mine, just had problems with the keyboard to brain interface....

Anonymous said...

I'm really annoyed that my post was deleted so will post it all over the archives and active posts if its deleted again.

For the record I never ever used any real life names, but have replaced the only names in my post with "something" as I had origionally assumed that they would have been okay to use.

For the record, Born Today could have reposted it without the "offensive" names so I can only assume that it was more the fact he was afraid of the comments/responses it might provoke!

There was more wit and humor in the origional post...
(next time will keep a copy of all posts so reposting is far easier)


I spoke with Born Today last night just before 7pm. I asked him if he would be logging on to "Game that cannot be named" that night as "Activity that cannot be named" had been cancelled due to snow. I wanted to know if we could finish questing in the area we had been doing together last month.

He said that tea was nearly ready and he would be on in an hour. So I logged on to "Game that cannot be named" and played for a couple of hours. At 10pm, I logged out as I was feeling tired and went to bed.

At 11pm I was woken up by a phonecall from Born Today to see if I was ready to do the joint quests.

Anonymous said...

Thought "the game that cannot be named" had been cancelled?