Thursday, February 12, 2009

A white marker

At work, if we need stationary we speak to the receptionists who have a stock - or they can order things.

So there I was, after a new pen. All I wanted was a white permanent marker - nothing that special, right...?

Turns out I was the first person - ever - in our organisation or the those we serve - to order such a thing.

It required 2 specialist purchasing people. A justification of why I wanted it (I need to write on black things). A reason why I didn't want to stick a label on the thing and then write on the label in black.

Finaly it went to a manager.

And now they've ordered a box. Of a dozen.


Anonymous said...

White Permanent Marker, I have NEVER seen ... EVER

so you ARE special, it is a special order

Born Today said...

Only a very special person could understand the need for a white pen ;)

Anonymous said...

everyone is very special to someone else, so dont flater yourself by saying only a very special person could understand :P