Sunday, March 4, 2007

RPGers - the same Everywhere

Where ever you go, they are there.

You can't see them at first, for they hide. Deep in the dark cracks of society, hidden from the burning light.

Tracking them down is near impossible. They admit their secrets to few trusted friends and lovers, sulking in the shadows. With skills and habits less socially acceptable then crack cocaine, more frowned upon then methamphetamine, linked with satanists, blasphemy and violence...

They are the roleplayers.

And I've run into a few.

On finding they're agreeable, likable fellows (one even has a long term gf!) I was loaned a copy of the rules, flicked through them, and made a character. Was given a little experience, to bring me up to the level of the others...

So I joined the game, known as Exalted. Unlike most Role Play Games (RPG), you don't start as powerful as a small child, frightened by a potted plant. (Even MY plants. Potted or otherwise.) Nope, you start as, well, Exalted. Not quite godlike, but better then any three normal guys at the things you want to be good at.

So I made Elan Morin Tedroni (and they didn't catch the reference!). Because my dice rolling is simply atrocious (over a thousand d6 rolls in a star wars campaign, I averaged 2.6, well below the "average 3.5"), I decided to be as good at killing things as possible. So I wouldn't just die by accident.

So I got +17 to hit, and I aquired away to get 4 attacks a round - pretty good, I thought.

However, I forgot a fatal, fatal flaw in my logic. It was a white wolf system. So there I was, surrounded by guards, who I couldn't bluff my way past. Eventually things got nasty.

I decided to use 4 attacks, at +17 each. At this point I found out I didn't have +17, but that I had to roll 17 dice (10 sided dice) 4 times. Thats 68 dice, for one round of combat.

I had three dice. Just three.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

And what was your average roll?


Born Today said...

I wasn't keeping count.

The mortals survived the first round though. Which was laughable.

Anonymous said...

Betrayer of Hope, you do know that it's spelt Tedronai, not Tedroni (as you have said :p )

So tell us more about Canada and the strange people that live there(not including yourself).
Is it all boots and fleeces?
Are there many Lumberjacks?
Do they sound like Terrence&Phillip?
What strange delicacies do they partake in?
Any interesting slang?
And most importantly, have you seen any bears (or bares)?


Anonymous said...

Nooo! not roleplayers they're the most worst sort of people to hang around with you never know when that +1 Dagger of Venom will find a home in your back :P

Still I would have thought you had more than 3 d10's *shrugs* Whats the White wolf system like as a whole? I heard that its a terrible system but never really got round to trying it myself.

Oh have you woken up yet to find a Moose standing outside your window???? (yes a Moose!)
